Washrooms for customers only: Peeing with dignity in the city

Everyone needs to use washrooms, but public washrooms are hard to find. Just ask anyone with colitis, or who has ever cared for a child who really needs to go. Toronto, for example, has only one free and public washroom for every 9,213 residents. So, where do we go, when we really need to go? Whether or not we like to admit it, many have probably managed to sneak in to use a washroom that is designated with a sign as "Washrooms for Customers Only" (W4CO) when we have not been customers. Last year, in a well-publicized incident at a British Columbia Club Hortons, a woman was denied washroom access; she defecated on the floor and threw the feces at employees. While the ick-factor might distract us, there's an important issue of human dignity at play here, both for all of us who need washroom akses, and for the often minimal-wage workers on the frontlines in managing akses to this most basic and essential resource. Agen Slot Terpercaya Surprisingly, there's very little...